The Premium Experience has been designed for all leaders and pastors from any church who want to grow in their faith and leadership. By joining this experience, you will be able to attend specially tailored sessions for you throughout the day to equip and empower you to lead for Jesus with more confidence. You will be able to meet and grow with other CE leaders as you are challenged.
Cost: $75
6pm Snacks & Coffee in Auditorium
6:15pm Auditorium Doors Open
6:30pm Evening Session #1 (Special Guest Worship Leader: Jeremy Rosado, Special Guest Speaker: Justin Hamilton)
8pm Dessert & Afterparty
***Kid Experience Service is 6-8pm
10am Lead Pastor Session A in Auditorium - Justin Hamilton
11:15am Session B in Auditorium - Leon Van Rooyen
12:15pm Lunch/Breakout Sessions
Lunch #1 Worship Reset (Auditorium Stage)
Lunch #2 Leading Next Gen (KE & SE) (Kid Experience Downstairs)
Lunch #3 How to Thrive in Groups, Teams, & Operations. (Auditorium Lobby)
1:30pm Session C in Lobby with Snacks - Natasha Dongell
2:30pm Session D in KE Downstairs - Daniel Ross
3:30pm-6pm Break/Dinner on Your Own
6pm Snacks & Coffee in Auditorium
6:15pm Auditorium Doors Open for Night Session
6:30pm Evening Session #2 (Special Guest Worship Leader: Mike Malgies, Special Guest Speaker: Christian Mungui)
8pm Dessert & Afterparty
***KE Hangout 10:00-3:30, Kid Experience Service 6-8pm
11:15am Session D in Lobby with Coffee - Brent Dongell
12:15pm Lunch/Breakout Sessions (Sharpening Our Serving Skills Breakouts)
Lunch #1 Worship as a Lifestyle: Leading Beyond the Platform (Auditorium Stage)
Lunch #2 Winning Sundays in Kid Experience (Kid Experience Downstairs)
Lunch #3 Mistakes Not to Make When Leading Groups, Teams, & Operations. (Auditorium Lobby)
1:30pm Session E in Lobby with Snacks - Natasha Dongell
2:30pm Session F in KE Downstairs - John Akers
3:30pm Closing Prayer
***KE Hangout 1:15-3:30
7pm Student Experience (Optional)
Attending with your CE Lead Pastor? No need to register! Your registration is being handled by Mission Support.