Congratulations on making a commitment to Jesus and taking a big step toward becoming the person God made you to become!  The following resources will help you get off to a good start (or restart) in your relationship with God!  Please reach out on the form link below if you have any questions or if we can help you in any way!


One of the best steps you can take is to firmly resolve to become an engaged and consistent part of your church family!  Showing up for weekly worship services, getting involved in a Life Group, or joining a Serving Team with Church Experience are just a few ways you can help deepen your connection with God through being part of His Church!  You will find the location and worship time of your campus on the main page of our website.  You can also request more info for a Life Group to get involved below.


Another critical step in the growth of your relationship with God is to decide to read the Bible and pray every day!  This will help answer so many questions, strengthen your faith, and help you daily stay in alignment with God!  We recommend downloading the YouVersion Bible app from your phone's app store.  It's the top Bible app and has countless devotionals, ways to connect and study with friends, tools to highlight and take notes, a streak tracker, and so much more.  A devotional is a good place to start and there are almost endless options when you click on "plans" on the Bible app.  Just type in a topic you want to learn more about from the Bible and it will give you a daily devotional plan to start!


To access more resources to help you grow in your relationship with God, we also created a series of videos with additional resources linked with each video.  We call these 7 videos our Growth Steps and they were created to help you thrive in your relationships with Jesus!  We'd encourage you to watch through each of them and check out some of the linked resources on that page. 


Now that you have made a commitment to Jesus you may have the question, how do I start my new life with Jesus?  The You Said Yes devotional helps new believers learn what their decision to follow Jesus means.  Each day includes daily thoughts from the Bible and ways to put them into practice.


The Bible instructs new believers to be baptized after they've made the decision to follow Jesus!  We would love to talk to you about baptism and help you take that step!  We have regular baptisms that you'll hear promoted from the stage in our worship services.  To learn more about what baptism is, you can download the PDF below.  You may also fill out the form link below to register and we'll get you information on your campus' next baptism event!
